Monday, March 30, 2009

Speak life into your dreams!

I was sitting at one of my co-worker's desk and he had a very detailed self affirmation attached to his cabinet. This affirmation presented scriptural text to go a long with it. I read it and really received a blessing from it. It reads as follows. I hope it blesses you as well.

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. Prov 23:7 As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Too many thimes we limit ourselves and measure the promises of God based on our ability and not God's. Take the limts off and know that God doesn't ask of your ability, but your availability to Him. If you trust God to work the miracle through you, your dreams will come true. The unimaginable can happen to those who believe.

The next time you have a big dream that God has promised you and you get a brain freeze because your mind can't imagine it, then just smile and know that because you are a child of God, you have priveleges and access to the doors that the world does not have and that's why you thank God for being his child. Become excited about the benefits you have in Christ. Speak to the doors and command them to come open for you. The ball is in your court and God is waiting to see what you are doing with His word concerning your life. You have the authority at any time to declare the blessing to come to you. Speak to the door of promise and watch God open it for you.

Everytime you speak, life is breaking forth and the grip of the enemy is being released. The more you speak the greater the joy you shall have because the word is like a well of water springing forth in you. You don't have to share your dreams with everyone because not all will understand your faith in God, but show God how much you believe in His word...he loves the phrase in knowing that you trust in Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful and is so true. I'm into quotes and found this one to be fitting for this particular post. “You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.”

Be Blessed CP!

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