Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Word: Do people who devote their lives to service but do not have a heart for God go to heaven?

For centuries, people have been persuaded to believe that they could please God through service and offerings...regardless of the condition of their hearts. But in truth, no amount of activity for God will ever take the place of a heart that is right for Him. Sure, we can be deceived into assuming that God is more interested in our activity for Him than He is in the condition of our hearts. But we would only be fooling ourselves. We cannot buy our way into Heaven! God has consistently made it clear that He will not be pacified by even the most generous offerings and zealous service if our hearts are not right with Him. No matter how much we do, how active we are in the community or how honorable our reputations may be...God will not overlook a sinful heart. His desire is that we devote ourselves to knowing Him and loving Him with all our hearts.

Hosea 6:6
For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

My Thoughts...
I've actually had this conversation with a close friend of mine not too long ago about this subject. I'm not sure how the subject came about but we were discussing this very question. Do people who have good hearts and are known for doing good deeds in the community and in the world but don't have a heart for God go to heaven? I think of the scripture, James 2:20, "Faith without works is dead." If this is true, then it has to be true in it's reciprocal form, "Works without faith is dead." Check James 2:20-26 for a reference. What are your thoughts?


Don said...

i thought it was based more upon God's grace?

although i am familiar with The Book of James as well.

Unknown said...

It is my belief that God gives us his grace to us chance after to get things right. The mere privelege of waking up in the morning is an example of God's grace. Everyday we have another chance to do things better than we did the day before.

Don said...

yes we are on the same page. i believe it begins and ends with the grace of God.

i've heard certain preachers speak of simply having belief in Christ and His purpose ... is enough. then i followed Jehovah's Witnesses and it kinda woke me when it was stated that even Satan believes in God and Jesus, yet the devil is without their works.

so, yes, i believe Faith without works is dead. but something tells me that it begins and ends with God's grace. i reference Christ healing of the sick people and promise to the crook while nailed to the stake.

Unknown said...

One of FB friends answered the question in the title of this post with...

"No. You can have a heart of service but you must be saved and in a relationship wth God. You must be born again!"

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