Monday, December 7, 2009

Daily Word: Are you growing in God?

Some people know just what to say and do to encourage others who are going through difficult times. These people are sensitive to God's voice. Their words give strength to those who are discouraged and comfort to those who are grieving. They are not self-centered; they are keenly aware of the struggles of those around them. These are the people we seek when we enter a crisis. Their energy is so calming that their mere presence sustains us. God puts godly people in our lives so that we can learn from them and become more like them. He wants to develop each of us into the kind of people who are able to strengthen one another. Words are VERY powerful. They can cause extreme pain or they can bring extreme comfort. The choice is ours. What we say to each other and how we treat one another is important. The words we share and the things we do can bring laughter, joy, comfort, help and encouragement to others.

2 Peter 3:18

Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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