Tuesday, November 24, 2009

WOW!!! I've reached my 500th blog post TODAY! It's a celebration!

WOW!!! This is really surprising to even me...and I'm the one posting to this blog. lol. Time flies! I started this creative, literary journey while living in Seoul South Korea on Wednesday, October 17, 2007. Initially, I titled this blog, "The Seoul of a Black Man" and the title of my first post to this blog was, "Reaching My Seoul." Living and teaching in Korea for a year has made an enormous impact on my overall perspective on the way I see and approach things in life. Being away from home for so long will definitely bring you closer to God. My walk with God has been enhanced since I started this blog because I have purposely become much more transparent in my writing in hopes that people will be encouraged to do the same.
My initial purpose for starting this blog was to publicly share my experiences in Seoul, South Korea with my family and friends. I thought that if I wrote about how Korea was treating me, maybe once a week or just once a month, lol, then my family and friends wouldn't ask me, "So, how is Korea treating you?" However, every time I got on the phone to call home, sent an email, or signed into Facebook, I'd read or hear, "How's Korea treating you?" And I would respond, "Go to my blog!" lol
I changed the name of this blog from "The Seoul of a Black Man" to the current title, Chronicles of Christoph J." because of the obvious, lol. I am no longer in Seoul, South Korea. I returned from Korea little over a year ago, on October 4, 2007. I knew that I would need to think of a title that could accurately describe the reason for continuing this blog. Therefore, I chose a title that has done just that; chronicling my life. This blog is my legacy...my promise to become a success. I pinky swear... with no fingers crossed behind my back that I will be successful!
Thanks for helping me celebrate my 500th blog post!

1 comment:

MsSjay said...

This is simply wonderful babe! As I always say to you...Your on your way! Keep posting cause you know I'll definitely keep reading. The Seoul of a Black Man by Christoph Jenkins is in the future (wink)...get on it!

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