Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daily Word: Tell 'em why you mad, son!

Few things are more destructive than anger. Anger causes us to lose self control and to say and do things we would otherwise never consider. If we allow it to remain, anger turns into bitterness that eats away at our hearts. Most of the time, we try to defend our anger. However, Scripture consistently commands believers to put away anger...listing it as one of the sins of the flesh. We should not cease to have strong convictions or lose our desire for justice. But we must be careful not to justify our anger with Scripture. And we should not allow the sins of others to cause us to sin as well. Anger never brings about God's redemptive work. More often than not, it hinders what God is working to accomplish in us and through us. Therefore, we should deeply examine any anger that is within us and allow God to remove any sinful attitudes that our anger may have produced. That way we won't block any blessings or get in God's way.

Ephesians 4:26"
Be angry and do not sin", do not let the sun go down on your wrath.

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