Monday, November 23, 2009

Daily Word: Have you ever been jealous of someone, honestly?'s a destructive attitude that poisons the way we view life. In fact, it's so harmful that God condemned coveting in "two" of the Ten Commandments. Even though none of us deserves it, God has made "all" of us His children. So there's no need to compare our blessings to those of others. Jealousy is self-centeredness at its worst. It robs us of our joy and chokes our contentment. It hardens the heart and stifles gratitude. Jealousy even has the nerve to assume that God's resources are too limited for Him to bless another and still bless us! We have to watch over our hearts very carefully. We cannot allow jealousy to taint us. And when we are tempted to compare our success in life to that of another, we ought to ask God to remind us of all the ways He has blessed us...undeservedly.

1 Samuel 18:15
Therefore, when Saul saw that he behaved very wisely, he was afraid of him.

I think we've all had a jealous spirit once or twice before. I'll be the first to admit that I have. However, I reserve the right to conceal the details of the I have in the past been jealous of someone. I have learned through my experiences that what God has for you is for you. In the past, I have asked God to give me what a person had and He did...I think to teach me a lesson though. I say that, because when I received it, I noticed that the "thing" that I asked for came with other things attached to it. And I didn't do my research on the "thing" that the person had. Had I done my research on that "thing" that I said wanted, I would have found out that I wasn't ready for the things that were included in its packaging. Little did I know when I was consumed with that jealous spirit, the person who had the "thing" that I wanted had been preparing to handle all of the things that came with it prior to him receiving it. This reminds me of the time my mom said to me, "Be careful what you ask just might get it!" I want what God has for me!

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