Monday, May 17, 2010

Begin again!!! ...updating blog as requested.

It is amazing how the picture above portrays what I've been hearing since the day I took a break from blogging. I just "googled" three words, "back to blogging," and came across this perfect-for-my-first-post-in-a-while post. I like making up compound-sentence-words, as you can see.

Many things have occurred sine, April 6, 2010, the last time I've posted to this blog. And instead of listing all of the events and occurrences, I think I'll just back-blog. For all of the readers who don't blog and aren't familiar with blogging terms, I simply mean that I'll post about things that happened during my blogging hiatus.

Not only have I missed blogging but I missed browsing and reading my fellow blogger's blogs. The community of bloggers, affectionately known as the blogoshere, is like another world that people who don't blog will never know exists unless they begin. It's absolutely amazing.

Poetically speakin'.
I have decided to begin to blog again for the same reason I poetically utilize a pen; to express the feelin's that lie within and to inspire all dreamers to dream again...and again!

Until next time ...continue to recognize how blessed you are!

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